Looking for a Spot for your Next Adventure?
By: Tribu WipalaLet me tell you about my experience in the Amazonian communities in Cueva de los Tayos and how you can get there.

I traveled on a Friday at 10:30 p.m. to Pomona, Pastaza. Here are the Wayuri and Ayamtai Jea communities. This day we didn’t meet since it was very late but the next day we were able to make the first entrance to the Wayuri community. We received some nice words from the leader where he shared a bit of his culture.
One of the emblematic features of them is the painting on the face with wituk, which is an Amazonian fruit. They also offered us a traditional dish called pilche, filled with chicha de yuca. Also, they taught us about the use of the blowgun and allowed us to be part of them by practicing with it. We had a unique moment with the dances, drums and the joy of all who were present.
Then we made another tourist venture towards Ayamtai jea, here the leaders told us about their traditions and among them the TZANTZA. This consists of the collection of skulls as trophies, he told us that his grandfather used to have several of them but that in their home as time passed, they decided to take them out.
It was a very special moment, since we got to know them, from themselves. In addition, one of the moments that I will not be able to forget was when the leader sang in his language and the women danced to the rhythm of his song.
They gave us Guayusa and a lot of good energy. Without a doubt, sharing with these cultures is incomparable with any other activity or any other event that you have ever seen. They have a lot to tell us and the best way to support them is to visit them, respecting their culture and sharing this experience so that more tourists can visit them.
After all these great activities we made a stop at the Indichuris viewpoint until we advanced to the final destination: La Cueva de los Tayos.
Here we received all our Camping equipment, we fixed our backpacks and I kept my WIPALA bars because I knew that the route was complex and I was going to need to eat healthy.
Most of the trail in the forest, although it was downhill and a bit muddy, the sound of birds and nature made it completely worth it. My luggage was getting me tired but I went on and on, I had 3 falls and the backpack had a damage but in a certain way being able to hear those sounds and breathing fresh air allowed me to let go of all the stress.
In approximately one hour and twenty minutes we reached a space where we could put together our luggage and camping. The leader of this community welcomed us and introduced us to the guides for the way to the Cave.
Before entering the cave, we did the tobacco ritual. This is a strong inhalable concoction that initially burned my head and made me cough for a few times.
The leader constantly told us that we must have respect for Mother Nature so that we can be well within her. And with this warning we left for the cave.
It was 10 minutes from the community. Only with a flashlight and full energy could we pass this great challenge. It was an epic adventure as teamwork was appreciated. Holding hands to reach certain rocks was necessary for survival. The obstacles were impressive, we had to kneel, swim, go down a high metal ladder and pass between very close rocks.
After three hours inside, I returned to the camp where we were able to share a picnic. By a campfire, we sang and danced under the starry sky. The next day, I removed my tent, clothes and we started the climb to return to the bus.

The whole adventure made me appreciate more the nature and culture that exist in our Ecuador. Meet new friends and lose fear of animals found in the woods.
I invite you to discover more of Ecuador, support local tourism, Amazonian and indigenous communities, share their crafts, and superfoods.
Do you want to organize your own adventure? I leave you recommendations and tips on how I organized mine and what I learned:
- I made the reservation with the operator “Explore it”, you can find it on instagram @explore_it
- You need a total budget of $ 130, $99 for the tour (These prices may vary depending on the operator) and in extra expenses $30.
- I recommend you bring snacks for the trip, water, hydrating drinks and lunch when you return. If you opt for a souvenir, the costs of a craft range from $ 1 to $ 30.
- About luggage: A Backpacker suitcase is really necessary as it provides many facilities to store the camping and personal items. Also, you can carry a portable charger for ease.
- About clothing: You must wear some boots, I took some known as “7 lives” (value $ 8) and some mountain shoes ($ 60). Surely you can not miss a waterproof sweater, pants and super light t-shirts.
You must be aware that what you want to carry the least is weight since there is a lot of travel for this make your selection of clothes and items with only the essentials. Good luck on your adventure!
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